Schlagwort: Machine Learning

Visualize Machine Learning metrics with Tensorflow and Tensorboard

An important step in understanding machine learning processes and evaluations is the interpretation of various metrics. These include: ROC ACCURACY LOSS PRECISION RECALL F1-SCORE It can be very time-consuming to read individual results numerically, particularly if the model has been training for many epochs. Tensorboard can offer a remedy for this. It is a convenient and…

Dezember 21, 2020 0

NLP, Word Embeddings & Tensorboard

I asked myself after my last project: What does a NLP pipeline look like that can determine the similarity of words from a text corpus and at the same time illustrate it clearly? And, is it really possible to find relations within a text corpus without having explicitly programmed it? I was a little sceptical, to…

November 28, 2020 0

Quick Machine Learning Template

Ich finde Infografiken echt ansprechend, weil sie die wichtigsten Punkte eines Themas effizient und anschaulich vermitteln. Daher war es Zeit sich mit Canva in die Thematik einzuarbeiten.  Gleichzeitig wird Machine Learning in der Software-Entwicklung immer populärer. Also warum nicht ein Template für grundlegende erste Schritte im Bereich Machine Learning erstellen und beide Welten zusammen bringen?…

September 21, 2019 0